[geeks] English language [was: power (was Mr. Bill)]

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 11:34:53 CDT 2008

John Francini wrote:
>> So, in ten years, "i can haz cheezburger" will be taught as proper
>> grammar and spelling.
>>   -Dan Sikorski
>> I accidentally the Grammar.  THE WHOLE THING!
> English has ever been thus. Unlike French, which has L'Academie
> Frangais to dictate What Is Official French and What Is Not, there's
> no such thing in English, and never has been.  It's a language that
> has been defined exclusively by usage; dictionaries are constantly
> trying to catch up to the usage.  Consequently, it is quite the
> bastard child.
> One wag put it: "English: The language that lures other languages into
> dark alleyways, clubs them over their heads, then steals their wallets."

I think it *should* be this way.  English has always been one of the 
languages that most easily adapts to changes in culture and technology. 
  I think that it, perhaps, played a part in the computer revolution 
this way.

Fortunately, most long-lived adaptations in English seem to be those 
which increase the clarity of conversation.

Peace...  Sridhar

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