[geeks] Global Warming

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Fri Sep 19 21:30:24 CDT 2008

> But, I also find it hard to believe that our actions are tossing our  
> planet into peril. Too many proponents of Global Warming stand to  
> profit from the behavior changes they want us to make (carbon credits,  
> et al) for my liking...

And those who profit now, and continue to profit is there is no global warming doesn't bother you?

> Tell me how to conserve resources and I'm all ears, tell me I have to  
> or my grand children will live in Water World, and I tune out. I don't  
> think I'm unique in that view.

Water World was BS.  They took a theory and blew it all out of proportion.  Hollywood is like that.  The overreaction style of environmentalism is a turn off for most people.


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