[geeks] LittleFall2

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Thu Sep 25 15:06:52 CDT 2008

On Sep 25, 2008, at 1:25 AM, Jonathan Groll wrote:
> I don't think the D945GCLF2 motherboard can do anything other than
> PCI, I am afraid. So, no 3ware PCI-X ;-( Are there better motherboards
> for Atom 330 perhaps?

Well, the card should work, just slower, right?

The long, 64 bit PCI-X cards are supposed to be backwards compatible  
with "normal"-sized 32 bit slots. The only time I remember hearing  
that this was a problem for someone was if the motherboard  
manufacturer put something like a big heatsink or capacitor in the way  
of the extra PCI pins, which have to hang over the back of the 32 bit  
slot. I have definitely run 64 bit cards in 32 bit slots.

Of course, you do sacrifice speed.

  - Micah

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