[geeks] Solaris 10 U6: install failure

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Mon Apr 6 09:49:58 CDT 2009

On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 01:34:17AM -0400, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> I have no idea how to create a Jumpstart server, if that is what you mean.
> I have:
> 	1 Mac Pro
> 	1 "Wintendo" running Windows XP, sometimes FreeBSD
> 	1 Dell T105 server
> 	numerous embedded systems
> I got rid of most of my stuff last year and replaced all my servers with 
> just the T105.
> The Mac could serve NFS, but I'm not sure how that would help.
> Can you start the install from the DVD, but install from NFS instead of the 
> DVD media or something?

Actually, I think you can do that.

There is a screen to Specify Media and there you can choose CD/DVD or NFS.

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