[geeks] WinXP SP2 Print Spooler Crash - Any ideas?

gsm at mendelson.com gsm at mendelson.com
Tue Apr 28 06:39:01 CDT 2009

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:14:27PM +0100, Mark Benson wrote:
>Any ideas? I'm totally screwed here, I've tried googling and turned up
>some stuff but it's all either long lists if reg hacks (which I#m
>reluctant to do unless I have to) or they are things I've tried
>already to no avail.

Replace the RAM? 

Clean the fans on the CPU, etc? 

Look for a loose heatsink on the bridge chip? 

Look for leaky capacitors?

My bet is on the RAM.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel gsm at mendelson.com  N3OWJ/4X1GM

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