[geeks] IOGear CS176* KVMs?

Chad McAuley chizad at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 16:58:12 CDT 2009

velociraptor wrote:

> I don't have any experience with the DVI version.  I think myself and
> Shannon both talked about USB/VGA version.  I have the latter,
> occasionally the keyboard/mouse goes bye-bye which necessitates
> unplugging the USB from both computers.  I've now put ~1m USB
> extension cables on the systems so I don't have to go groping behind
> them to do the plug/unplug dance.  I haven't been using it much lately
> since the only box on the KVM at the moment is my Solaris NAS.
> Other than this annoyance it works fine.  It is kind of finicky to
> change the keyboard "switching" sequence, too.  I don't have the one
> with the button on the "head", instead you tap a key quickly to
> activate the switching (in my case the physical <ctrl> key since I've
> remap <ctrl> to <capslock>).
> I'd go read reviews on the DVI version before committing since they
> are pricey.  I imagine you should find some on various Mac fora.
> =Nadine=
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I ended up picking up that same USB/VGA model shortly after that thread 
popped up ~2 years ago, and I've seem similar weirdness with the 
keyboard/mouse disappearing. In my case, I can just plug/unplug the 
device from the KVM and that gets it going again. It also seems to 
happen more often if I'm switching between systems frequently.

I definitely plan on reading some reviews on this before I commit. I've 
read a few in the past and they seemed to be mostly good, but I'll 
definitely take another look at them to be sure.

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