[geeks] Unsecured Wifi connections now illegal in part of India.

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Tue Jan 13 22:04:16 CST 2009

> > Since Carter, all the government has to do is 'declare' an emergency  
> > and the
> > Constitution becomes fancy toilet paper.
> Correction: since Abraham Lincoln.  He started the ball rolling by  
> massing an army against a sovereign, illegally, killing citizens who  
> protested the war, and a number of other Constitution stomping measures.

No. I was referring to the formation of FEMA.  In that there was a rule/proculation/law/edit/whatever- you-want-to-call-it which basically threw the whole thing out.  Lincoln stomped on states rights and turned what was a bottom up government into a top down government among other things.
> Carter was simply following a long established trend.
> > Why does this all remind me of an old saying that those who give up  
> > liberty for security get neither.
> We've gone overboard doing that, and the price is and will continue to  
> be very heavy.

Too bad too many people haven't noticed the bill yet. :(


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