[geeks] Level monitoring

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 22:22:07 CST 2009

On Jan 21, 2009, at 7:58 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo <patrick at zill.net>  

> Phil Stracchino wrote:
>> Does anyone have any good, practical suggestions for how to remotely
>> monitor and log the propane level in an outside propane tank?
> Can't you just go out every couple of days and light a match over the
> opening so you can see more clearly to the bottom of the tank?
> [/darwinaward]

Just make sure you don't drop the match in the tank... If it's cold  
outside, wear gloves - that way you won't drop the match because your  
hand is shivering. ;^)


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