[geeks] iPhone alternatives

Mike Meredith very at zonky.org
Fri Jan 30 13:13:00 CST 2009

On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:25:17 -0500, Francois Dion wrote:
> All PDAs including the iphone make ok phones at best. One thing is
> that almost all touch devices have no dialpad on the actual phone.

Funnily enough I would have said they make pretty good phones, but I
guess we all have different preferences. The iPhone is a little odd
held up to the face (but a hands free kit solves that and is as far as
I'm concerned the only way to go). My old Nokia e90 probably made a
better phone than pure phones because of its chunkiness.

And for me the iPhone touch screen dialpad seems to work better than an
ordinary phone's keypad.

> with it. Sound quality varies too. Most PDAs lack volume. Can you hear
> the pda when in a holster, with the windows down and the radio
> playing? Or even just with windows down and no radio, just normal
> traffic noise.

Is that a bad thing? Personally I think that missing calls, and calling
back when it is convenient to do so, is something to be encouraged. If
not missing calls is important, leave the PDAphone somewhere where the
vibrate will alert you.

> At the end of the day, see if you cant borrow whatever device you
> think you want over, say, a weekend. Carry it around everywhere, call

Indeed. The only caveat is that it will take longer than a weekend to
get used to a touch keypad. After a few months, I'm still surprised
just how quick I can get on the iPhone "keyboard".

I don't think anyone has mentioned the Palm Pre as yet. I've seen some
favourable comments, but obviously can't recommend as I've never used

Mike Meredith (http://zonky.org/)
  So I think I'm becoming a geek vampire. Damn. Hate when that happens.
                       -- Davezilla

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