[geeks] Apollo 11 recreation

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 07:53:07 CDT 2009

Yep - very well made site (well, for something written in flash) and I  
have been checking it from time to time. Pity I'm at work today or I'd  
have it playing back on the TV.

Got me a 200mm Newtonian telescope. Cost a mere 420 quid but it's a  
mind blowing piece of kit. You'll have to come over one night when the  
nights draw in a bit and ave a go :)

Enjoy your whatever you're doin.

Mark Benson


On 16 Jul 2009, at 13:38, Gaz God <gaz.god at gmail.com> wrote:

> Just found this :- http://www.wechoosethemoon.org/
> Recreation of the Apollo 11 mission as it happen 40 years agao,  
> currently at
> T-55 minutes.
> Gaz
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