[geeks] trader joes

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 14:14:01 CDT 2009

nate at portents.com wrote:
>> Phil Stracchino wrote:
>>> As far as I know, they wouldn't have to.  Supermarkets can sell beer and
>>> wines in NH.  They just can't sell spirits.
>> That, and there are Trader Joe's stores that serve no kind of alcohol at
>> all.
> I'm not sure that's by Trader Joe's choice - in the state of MA, chain
> stores (such as Trader Joes) are capped at a total of 3 locations in the
> whole state which can have "off premises licenses."  (Still better than
> what the blue laws used to be here...)

As may be, but my point was that it hasn't stopped Trader Joe's from 
opening stores in states like Massachusetts and Connecticut where they 
have locations with no alcohol at all.  Why it should stop them from 
opening up in New Hampshire escapes me.

Peace...  Sridhar

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