[geeks] SYS V sysadmin utils

Jonathan J. M. Katz jon at jonworld.com
Wed Jun 3 15:19:03 CDT 2009

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:11 PM, sammy ominsky <s at avoidant.org> wrote:

> Fair enough.
>  OSX is not Unix at the sysadmin layer, despite being UNIX any more
>> than Windows or VMS is.
> What about AIX and SMIT(ty)?

There was a "standard" SYS V cli/curses sysadmin interface known as FACE. It
was still packaged with Solaris 9, but was the default sysadmin envirnoment
on SCO, among others. I think both sam (HP) and smit (AIX) may be based on
it, or at least some of the libraries, but that's it.

Login to your nearest sun box which is not minimized and type:

export OASYS
export VMSYS

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