[geeks] While I'm at it, another Ubunut grouse

hike mh1272 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 18:12:00 CDT 2009

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Jochen Kunz <jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de>wrote:

> On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 08:02:24 -0400
> Phil Stracchino <alaric at metrocast.net> wrote:
> > I'm very unimpressed with Ubuntu in all of its variations.  Even the
> > "lightweight" xubuntu still has most of Gnome running, and even still
> > uses gdm instead of, say, xdm.
> [...]
> > To me, Ubuntu is Debian Linux dumbed-down and crippled to look and act
> > as much like Windows as possible.
> My words. Linux evolved from a free Unix for Unix enthusiasts to a bad
> Windows surrogate for lusers. I turned away from Linux in disgust over 10
> years ago. I went to NetBSD, the most sane implementation of The Unix
> Paradigm
> (C) (R) (TM) I know.
> I think this was already mentioned on this list some time ago?
> http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm
> Ubuntu is maybe the worst. I had to fsck(8) the Ubuntu instalation of a
> workmate. He misconfigured NIS and thus disabled his local account. I
> tried a root-login on the local text console, but _all_ root logins are
> disabled. Ubuntu expects you to use sudo(8), but with no valid local
> user account there is no chance to get into the machine. I had to
> powercycle the machine hard and use the "init=/bin/bash" trick...
> Ubuntu suffers from major brain damage.
> --
> tsch|_,
>       Jochen
> Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/<http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/%7Ejkunz/>
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the root account on ubuntu can be enabled.
i googled this and found it years ago.
it is easy to do.

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