[geeks] This damn question again...

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 11:26:35 CDT 2009

That's interesting. Would you be able to find out what RAID controller  
is installed in that machine and if support was bundled or added on?

I am thinking of all things the SAS controller is the one that is  
going to stop or go hardware item.

Also, if I'm going Open Source would it make more sense to look at  
previous generation hardware to improve compatibility?

Mark Benson


On 11 Jun 2009, at 15:14, Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at gmail.com> wrote:

> Mark Benson wrote:
>> I kinda get the impression from folk here that maybe I took a wrong  
>> turn while picking the OS for our new server@$work. As I've said  
>> before my experience is limited and I'm determined to get this right.
>> Currently, I'm looking at a IBM x3500 M2 / 4 core 55x0 Xeon / 8GB  
>> RAM / 3x 147GB SAS / LTO Tape
>> Services required are:
>> Rails
>> MySQL
>> Apache/PHP
>> Samba
>> Possibly mail
> I use NetBSD for a machine running very similar (slightly larger)  
> hardware for pretty much exactly the same set of services, here at  
> IBM Poughkeepsie.
> Peace...  Sridhar
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