[geeks] in which Windows shoots itself in the foot (again)

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 13:31:52 CST 2009

On Mar 5, 2009, at 2:08 PM, Phil Stracchino <alaric at metrocast.net>  

> OK ...  we were recently given a Dell Inspiron 4100 laptop.  It has a
> built-in wired Ethernet interface (a 3C920) and an 11b PCMCIA wireless
> interface (an Orinoco WaveLAN Silver).  I had hell's own game getting
> networking to work correctly on it ... until I thought to look at the
> routing tables.
> Now, the two interfaces are on different subnets.  The wired interface
> is; the wireless interface is  Both are
> assigned via DHCP.  Windows creates sane default routes, etc,  
> etc ... it
> creates routes to its own interfaces via loopback, which is a bit  
> weird,
> but doesn't actually seem to harm anything ... and then it creates
> static routes to the and subnets pointing  
> straight
> back at the respective interfaces, which cause EVERYTHING to break.
> Delete those two routes, and networking all Just Works.  Packets
> correctly go in and out via the correct interfaces and get where  
> they're
> supposed to go, no problem.  Leave'em in place, and the machine is
> catatonic.
> Does anyone know a Secret Win2K Admin Trick to either automatically
> delete those two routes as soon as they're created, or better yet,  
> stop
> Windows from ever creating them in the first place?

Upgrade to XP Pro?

Had to ask...


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