[geeks] Needed: A good sparc workstation

der Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Sun Mar 8 19:54:17 CDT 2009

> It also is much harder to resort to the command line when you _need_
> to and to use the command line for automation if you use a GUI all
> the time.

> A graphical tool that allowed you to see what the command line would
> have been would be exceptionally useful (AIX's smit).

Such things bring serendipitous benefits, too.  My first exposure to
SQL was watching the "the command-line for this operation is" window on
a GUI SQL interface.  This taught me enough SQL to be minimally
functional, after which it was comparatively easy to work my way the
rest of the way up to where I am now.

>> The only problem I have had is that GNOME won't work properly with a
>> remote X window,

Are you sure the problem is actually that it's remote?  I've seen a
comparative lot of "desktop environment" cra...uh, goop that won't work
when I run it remotely because, typically, the display I'm pointing it
at is 8bpp PseudoColor but the software is designed assuming everybody
supports 24bpp TrueColor - or, sometimes, DirectColor.

>  the idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice; it
>  is the most decisive negation of human liberty, and necessarily ends in
>  the enslavement of mankind, in theory and practice.
>   -- Mikhail Bakunin

What a crippled view of God!

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