[geeks] Dell T105 Server, CPU and RAM upgrade

nate at portents.com nate at portents.com
Thu Mar 19 15:53:51 CDT 2009

> Then again, we are talking about the same idiots who have put the 10KB
> readme txt file for the T105 MIBs into a selfextracting exe which takes
> up 96KB & only allows windows users to view the txt file!! WTF!?!
> http://ftp.us.dell.com/sysman/DCMIB55R.exe

I had no trouble extracting that in Ubuntu Linux - must be a
self-extracting ZIP file (or some other compressed standard), because I
could just right click on it and select "Extract Here" and I got a
readme_mibs.txt file.  Still, kind of silly that they made it a
self-extracting archive, because really, what OS can't uncompress a ZIP
file these days?

- Nate

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