[geeks] Spam subject line of the century

Dan Sikorski me at dansikorski.com
Sun May 3 14:35:59 CDT 2009

James Fogg wrote:
>> I don't get much spam these days, thanks to good filtering at my ISP, but
>> one arrived overnight with the subject line ...
>> "Best manure for your pork stalk"
>> ... The spammers can stop now.  I think that takes the cake.
> Nope, I get them with the subject line "potty all night long". Hey, Yeah,
> I want to take that pill.
I can understand the demand for painkillers, viagra, and some other 
prescription drugs, but, I didn't think that those without a 
prescription would want a colonoscopy prep.  I know I don't.

    -Dan Sikorski

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