[geeks] KVM for Sun Sparc Servers with USB keyboards

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Tue May 5 17:45:22 CDT 2009

" From: Mike Meredith <very at zonky.org>
" []
" Some time back there was a report indicating that many CEOs are in fact
" "successful" sociopaths. Perhaps we need psychometric testing of CEOs
" (and others in a position of power) to exclude such people ?

i'm on board, if we can find an incorruptible way to do it...  because
if there's a way to subvert it, the successful sociopaths will find

along that line, i once heard of a study that, analyzing public
documents and utterances, concluded that politicians on average scored
well in only 2 of the 5 major personality dimensions - and george
bush, only 1.  they are not well rounded, well balanced personalities.

alas, i've forgotten what the dimensions are.

i have long thought of the campaign process as selecting for
responsibility-challenged power addicts.  and if part of the game is
hiding the fact that that's what you are, they will - even from
themselves, if that's the most effective strategy.  at the extreme,
they love being powerful so much that they will do and say anything to
and for anyone to get the job.  doing the job [as it should be done]
is not on their radar.  they will work the job in such a way as to
maximize their reelection.  this doesn't necessarily maximize benefits
to their constituents, let alone the polity as a whole.

it is hard to campaign against such a politician because they will do
and say anything to get the job, and if you have any shred of ethics
you will not.

i'm sure that if there's any truth to this, it works to a similar
degree in bureaucracies everywhere, corporate and public.

" I once suggested in relation to banks that we don't need more
" regulation. We really need more supervision - someone who sits on the
" board to say "hell no" when they decide on something dangerously dumb.

amen!  and it could stand for industry and government generally - but
who guards the guardians?
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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