[geeks] KVM for Sun Sparc Servers with USB keyboards
Jonathan C. Patschke
jp at celestrion.net
Tue May 5 23:11:24 CDT 2009
On Tue, 5 May 2009, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> I can't bring much physical strength to bear in my own defense. Having
> me, myself, defending my own property is a situation in which I would
> never want to be in. I would need help.
Why does that help have to come from an organization that forcibly takes
money from you without giving you option of shopping around?
> I live in a safe neighborhood. I don't trust my neighbors to keep my
> house safe. They have their own asses to worry about. If my neighbors
> (and I) were to get organized into a group to provide for mutual
> defense, then you're already starting to talk about a government.
Not necessarily. "We're going to look out for each other" is a worlds
apart from what we have now.
> I don't believe in the death penalty. I don't believe in communal
> incarceration. I don't believe in wars taken for offensive or
> preemptive reasons. However, many people around me do, and there isn't
> a whole lot I can do to convince them of what I perceive as their error.
But, if you don't agree with it, why should you be forced to fund it? If
they feel -so strongly- for those sorts of things, surely they would be
willing to fund them, right?
> Anarchy isn't the answer because people are fundamentally assholes.
And, somehow this magical construct called government prevents assholes
from running the ship over those of us who don't have the political clout
to hold office?
> Setting up a government is just a way to ensure that, if one asshole
> gets too much power, all of the other assholes will beat him back down.
How's that working for us? Really?
All the laws Bush broke ceased to become his problem when Obama got into
office. Suddenly, the Democrats were talking about amnesty for Bush's
wiretapping because it was their guy who was in the hot seat for it.
Several reports I heard about the first round of bailouts were that 90% of
those calling their "representatives" were firmly against any bailout
whatsoever. Yet, it passed. And, really, where did that get us?
Chrysler's in bankruptcy, the dollar's worth less, and, if anything, we're
further down the path of recession.
Who's going to take that one on the chin?
We are.
Jonathan Patschke ( "They don't have the right to read a book out loud."
Elgin, TX ( --Paul Aiken
USA ( Executive Director, Authors Guild
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