[geeks] 12V MiniITX Atom MB from Intel (with 12V power supply on-board)

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Wed May 20 08:50:40 CDT 2009

Here's an odd board from Intel - D945GSEJT - it has the Atom 270 CPU,
takes an SoDIMM for up to 2 Gigs of RAM, has a miniPCI-Express socket
(for wireless), and the usual Intel Atom MB specs, along with DVI-D
and Analog VGA video out - built for auto applications?

It also has an interesting power header to allow you to power HDs off
the on-board 12v power adapter - an entire PC can run off a 12v DC
power brick without having to buy any special adapters...

URL to Intel website:

Seems to sell for about $110-120, and is available from
logicsupply.com: http://www.logicsupply.com/products/d945gsejt

Lionel Peterson
lionel4287 at gmail.com

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