[geeks] Legal Corporate Music Servers

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Thu May 28 12:38:17 CDT 2009

Rick Hamell wrote:
>>>>> They still find fault with you copying a CD onto your iPod.
>>>> The RIAA is the reason I don't buy music from RIAA labels any more.
>>> I buy most of my music used.  Come to think of it, the RIAA finds fault
>>> with that as well.
>> I don't think the RIAA will be happy until/unless you pay them each time
>> you listen to the music.
> Wasn't that pretty much their argument in one of their cases? I want to 
> say it was the Oregon one, but don't remember which.

I have a feeling that they wouldn't be happy even then.  They want to 
charge you every time you *remember* or *think about* their music.

Peace...  Sridhar

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