[geeks] Snow Leopard

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 01:32:23 CST 2009

On 30 Nov 2009, at 04:34, Geoffrey Reed wrote:

> -sigh- I forgot the second reccomendation.
> Show Leopard will run ok on a 1Gig macbook, better than leopard does. It is
> going to be slower than  10.4 on a 1 gig machine though.  We have
> at work that some of the older macbooks and macbook pros can be a little
> finicky on the ram they accept.  We tried cheap generic modules and had
> issues with them, so we went with the slightly more expensive more 'name'
> brand modules (kingston, etc.) and no issues with that ram. -knock on wood-

I dunno if it helps you out any but I did a clean install off my 10.6 Upgrade
media (quite cheap vs. the OS X Pack disk) so you may be able to swing it to
install 10.6 on a bare machine, or upgrade one running 10.4.

Just thought it might give you a bit of wedge to upgrade to 2 or 4GB of RAM. I
run a Mac Pro with only 2GB (I know, it's a travesty!) and it seems to run SL
just fine but it starts to cough when you fire up PArallels with 1GB assigned.
If you want to run Parallels, which IMHO is a much better solution than
Crossover despite it's system tax, much less likely to suddenly throw a
wobbly, 4GB would be my recommendation.

Mark Benson

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