[geeks] Dell T105 on sale again...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 07:38:05 CST 2010

Just a heads-up, here's a link to the discounted Dell T105 server for
$269 ($387 off list price) at Dell Small Business:

It has a dual-core Athlon, 2x 160 Gig SATA HD, DVD ROM drive, and 1
gig of RAM. You can upgrade the RAM at Dell at time of purchase to 8
Gigs for $121, but for CPU upgrades, look to Newegg. You can plug in
Quad Core Opterons, for more umph...

This is a great little box, and a few folks here have them.

Just an FYI...


Lionel Peterson
lionel4287 at gmail.com

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