[geeks] geeks Digest, Vol 86, Issue 11

Brooke Gravitt gravitt at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 10:28:58 CST 2010

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Phil Stracchino <alaric at metrocast.net>wrote:

> A lot of churches already do Sunday school.  I wouldn't want my kids at
> a school run by a church though.  It's my opinion that beyond the basics
> of reading, writing and arithmetic, religion and education have a bad
> tendency to be incompatible, because religions have a nasty tendency to
> redefine facts for consistency with their dogma.  And once they start
> lying about some facts, they have to lie about other facts to cover up
> the first set of lies, and so it goes....
I don't know - a lot of catholic schools are very good. I am an atheist and
don't have a problem with religion in school, per se, and the tendency of
government schools to distort the truth is no worse. Private and charter
schools seem to be the way to go, as the local and state governments seem
incapable or providing a basic education - free from social indoctrination.

I still hold that stuff I found trying to complete my master's thesis rings
true to me - computers in the classroom are more-or-less a gigantic waste of
time and/or money. We'd be better off sticking to the maths, sciences,
reading, etc. and instilling the young 'uns with the thinking skills needed
to excel in the world. Don't get me started on the over-valuation of
high-school and college sports either - as someone who played both.

In short, get off my lawn!


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