[geeks] Flash Player Video/XP/AMD glitch

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 16:35:55 CST 2010

Looks like we *might* have got to the bottom of this one.

We looked up the BIOS revisions and a revision later than the current one on
the board added Phenom II and Athlon II support to the board. We upgraded the
BIOS to a suitable recent version, popped the 5600+ out that world okay (so it
turned out), and dropped the Athlon II 400e back in. So far it's played over 2
hours of iPlayer video flawlessly, one hour streaming over ADSL and 1 hour
from a file on HDD.

So there you have it, when you think you've checked everything you probably
haven't checked *everything*. At least we got to the bottom of it in the end.

Side Note: We had a bit of drama because Dad removed the 400e CPU and washed
the top down with Isorop to clean off the heatsink scum. The isoprop melted
the foam that AMD supply the CPU in and glued some of the legs into the foam!
Dad spent a while spraying isoprop on the legs and brushing them gently with a
paintbrush and a toothpick to clean them up. 4 pins got bent in the process of
getting the chip off the foam and were painstakingly straightened. Lesson:
don't let Isoprop near AMD's anti-static packing material!

Still, all is well :)

Mark Benson

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