[geeks] iPad - a 'Miss' for me I'm afraid

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Fri Jan 29 22:43:45 CST 2010

Nadine Miller wrote:

> My only other real question is when will we see Newton print handwriting
> recognition on it?

I would not be surprised to see some kind of "chording" based on the
multitouch.  5 fingers used many different ways could perhaps be used to
represent the alphabet and 0-9 since the tablet is multi-touch.

Off the top of my head:

"A" = three fingers in a line, then expanded/slid outwards to form a

"b" = two fingers make expanding motion, tap third finger at end of
stroke besides the bottom most location

"c" = 4 finger in semi-circle tap (as if making a Conan-style "I am the C")

"v" = three fingers in a line with thumb in the middle, thumb moves
downwards (as if forming a V by holding a thread between 2 points and
pulling the midpoint downwards)

etc.; or even a touch variation on Baudot code...


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