[geeks] more on dune

rjtoegel at verizon.net rjtoegel at verizon.net
Mon Jun 14 11:57:59 CDT 2010

   IIRC, there was a biologiest/ecologist in the employ of the empire who
   was studying the planet (I guess to see if conditions could be
   duplicated) but was killed in a spiceblow.  I just thought it was too
   simple to last any length of time.


   Jun 14, 2010 12:32:55 AM, geeks at sunhelp.org wrote:

     " From: rjtoegel at verizon.net
     " Yeah, let's get back to Dune. Did anybody feel that that planet's
     " ecology was to simplistic?
     " Bob
     been a while since i read it. don't recall if he ever claimed to be
     doing a -total- eco description; he was trying to tell a story, not
     write a textbook. he may well have -done- a metric buttload of
     research and worldbuilding, but anything more than what moved the
     narrative along would just clutter the story.
     sheriffs in westerns don't explain how to make a revolver every time
     they take their six-shooter out and plug a black hat...
     Andrew Hay the genius nature
     internet rambler is to see what all have seen
     adh at an.bradford.ma.us and think what none thought
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