[geeks] more on dune

rjtoegel at verizon.net rjtoegel at verizon.net
Mon Jun 14 19:43:24 CDT 2010

   I just thought it was funny for a planet that produces such an
   important commodity that
   not much was known about how it was created, especially with their
   level of technology.
   I know there was more to the planet's ecology, I just thought the spice
   thing was a little
   too easy to remain unknown.  Some of the book jackets mentioned the
   author being
   knowledgable in that area IIRC.  Maybe I'm reading too much into it but
   I found that a bit
   lacking but I guess that would kill most of the mystery behind Arrakis.
   Jun 14, 2010 01:12:05 PM, geeks at sunhelp.org wrote:

     That would be Kynes, whom the Fremen called Liet-Kynes. To say that
     was killed in a spice blow would be to rather misrepresent the case
     my recollection is the Harkonnens dumped him in the desert, on top
     of a
     pre-spice mass, without a stillsuit.
     Recall that the Dune books really only mention a few players in the
     ecology of Dune: the worms, the sandtrout, the sand plankton, the
     and the mouse (muad'dib) is mentioned largely as an aside. But that
     doesn't imply at all that those are all the players there are. The
     fact that Paul chooses the mouse as what he thinks will be a
     name shows that there are other players in the ecology of Arrakis
     the sandworm cycle; they simply don't enter into the main story.
     Phil Stracchino, CDK#2 DoD#299792458 ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
     alaric at caerllewys.net alaric at metrocast.net phil at co.ordinate.org
     Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, Free Stater
     It's not the years, it's the mileage.
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