[geeks] operating systems to replace Solaris

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Mon Apr 11 09:40:57 CDT 2011

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 08:36:13AM -0500, Dr. Robert Pasken wrote:
> Replacing Solaris-10 with one of the OpenSolaris distros fixes the  
> problem with the licensing. Having machines running some flavor of BSD,  
> linux and Solaris, I find the amount time I have to devote to  
> "maintaining" the systems versus actually "using" the system linux is  
> the worst offender followed by the BSD flavors. I have several clusters  
> that are used for real-time weather forecasts. I gave up on linux, even  
> though the code I get from NWS is written for linux, because I am tired  
> of weird kernel panics, NFS hangs and really awful performance. The BSD  
> flavors are better, but not by much. I can get a two week long run on  
> the cluster running Solaris and not get a crash which cann't be said for  
> linux or BSD

If you are running clusters of Solaris, that sounds like a setup worth
writing a case study about and sharing various places.

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