[geeks] Needed: SCA to 50pin adapter

nate at portents.com nate at portents.com
Thu Feb 3 15:20:03 CST 2011

On Thu, 3 Feb 2011 17:59:15 +0200, gsm at mendelson.com wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 09:22:57AM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
>>A decent-sized HD is the last thing I'm lacking to turn up this Q700 and
>>MacIvory, and all I have here is 18G SCA HDs.
> None to offer unfortunately, but I think there is a problem booting off
> a drive that big. No problem with 7.6 accesing all the data, you may
> a smaller boot partition.
> Geoff.

With 7.6 there's no problem booting off a drive that big.  While the
maximum volume size under System 6 and 7 is 2GB, with System 7.5, the limit
was raised to 4GB and System 7.5.2 and later increased that limit to 2TB.
However, the original HFS (not HFS+) only allows for 2^16 allocation
blocks, so a 2TB volume formatted as HFS would use 32 megabytes per file at
minimum, no matter how much data was in the file, which would be a big
waste of space.  Therefore while it would make sense to make a number of
smaller HFS partitions in 7.6 from an efficiency standpoint, it's not

The bigger issue is formatting the drive, since some of the earlier
versions of Apple's Drive Setup only worked with certain drive models (it
would query the string), though with ResEdit it's not hard to work around
that.  More info on that here:


- Nate

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