[geeks] tablets?

Sheldon T. Hall shel at artell.net
Wed Jul 20 23:00:50 CDT 2011

Quoth J. Alexander Jacocks, inter alia ...
> The Barnes & Noble Nook Color is an excellent cheap
> Android tablet, with a bit of hacking.

Evidently, one can boot the NooCo from an SD card.  A chap here in the
Seattle area sells the card for US$40, and I'm sure it's something one could
do for one's self.  You boot the tablet into Android from the card, and run
it from the card, meaning you don't have to change anything in the NooCo's
firmware, etc.  Boot it without the card, and it's a standard Nook Color.

I don't have one, never seen it done, etc., but I'm pretty sure that's how
it works.


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