[geeks] Nokia is getting the Rick Belluzzo treatment...

Nate Raymond nraymond at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 11:54:15 CDT 2011

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 12:01 PM, <vintagecoder at aol.com> wrote:

> Apple consumers don't buy
> devices because of features or technology, they buy them because
> they're Apple. Hell, iPhone couldn't even multitask until about a year
> ago. People are getting lost chasing the wrong rainbows.

While I agree with a bunch of what you said, I don't think you're correct
about this.

I use a very diverse mix of technology in my personal life, and some of it
is Apple, and I did purchase them for features and technology.  I'm not
really sure what you're advocating, but I can't imagine something that would
be a better fit for my needs than what I have.

The moment phones added text messaging they stopped being pure voice
communications devices and started becoming general communications devices.
While the voice side of it hasn't moved forward the way it could (i.e. still
low audio quality where it doesn't have to be, and in many cases not as
reliable as it should be), phones are becoming general communications
devices that are far more useful than pure voice communication devices can
be, and that range of communication possibilities is necessarily a series of
trade-offs and compromises.  Phones are far from complete in terms of their
evolution, both in terms of hardware and software.  Phones, tablets, and
other small computing devices will become the primary way people will stay
connected and communicate very soon, and desktop and notebook systems will
be tools for more specific tasks used by a smaller number of people.

Today the most widely used 32-bit architecture (in terms of numbers of
units) is ARM, and it was created by two people, Steve Furber and Sophie
Wilson.  I think it's an incredible story.  And look where it's going:


- Nate

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