[geeks] Nokia is getting the Rick Belluzzo treatment...

Jonathan Groll lists at groll.co.za
Wed Jun 8 02:13:04 CDT 2011

On Wed, 8 Jun 2011 02:28:44 -0400 (EDT), der Mouse <mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG> wrote:
> But when I use a UI that's actually designed around my preferences, the
> difference is, yes, amazing.  When I recently started sharing an
> office, my officemate remarked, after a while, that my weird-looking UI
> just looked weird at first, but after watching me use it, he could see
> how it and I got along and how effective it made me (and I it).  (Not
> that that's surprising, because it's my own design, co-evolved with my
> tastes over the past 20-25 years.)

Do share details of it... there is enough in the above to get a hint
of a custom 'tiled' window manager but I am made more curious by the
half completed description. Also wouldn't mind a description of your
personal 'workflow'. I'm always looking to be more productive, and I
guess there are a lot of folks on the list who also think the same

jjg: Jonathan J. Groll : groll co za
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Sent from my computer device which runs on free software

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