[geeks] Introductory programming language?

David Eisner deisner at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 08:45:43 CDT 2011

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 11:13 PM, Mouse <mouse at rodents-montreal.org> wrote:
> Any thoughts?

For what it's worth:

   A Survey of Literature on the Teaching of Introductory Programming

   "...Despite the popularity of languages such as Java, C and
C++, there has been much debate about the suitability of
these languages for education, especially when introducing
programming to novices (for example [66, 47, 12, 22, 23]).
These languages have not been designed specio,cally for educational
purposes, in contrast to others that have been
designed with this specio,c purpose in mind (e.g., Python,
Logo, Eio,el, Pascal)."

Might be overkill, but some of the referenced papers could be interesting.


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