[geeks] Introductory programming language?

Jochen Kunz jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de
Mon Sep 5 16:07:46 CDT 2011

On Mon, 5 Sep 2011 07:56:19 -0700
velociraptor <velociraptor at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Actually I would start with some software engineering basics first.
> > UML, LePUS3, design patterns, ... stuff like this.
> Do you have any suggestions for reasonable intros to these kinds of
> things?
Unfortunately nothing concrete. I have the scriptum from my CS study
and some book recommendations from my SE professor. But all of this is

There are some classics:
And anything else from "The Gang of Four", i.e. the four authors of
this book. This book has a foreword by
the father of UML... 

At the moment I am working myself through some C++ speciffic books.
But this is more about coding and design practice, not that much about
software engineering. If you are interrested in this I can recommend
anything from:

> but I need more "theory" that
> doesn't involve 300 pages of boring text that makes too many
> assumptions about the readers' starting knowledge.
I know that problem better then I would like to. Besides that C++ stuff
I am currently exploring technics of distributed systems. There are
lots of good books about the fundamentals and theory.
(e.g. http://www.distributedprogramming.net/ ) But nothing about how to
apply this to solve practical problems. Something the books of
Alexandrescu, Sutter and Meyers are very good at.



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