[geeks] Traveling from Baltimore to Chicago

Nick B nick at pelagiris.org
Tue Sep 27 22:38:52 CDT 2011

I keep hearing the praises of
http://www.chicagopizzaandovengrinder.com/sung.  Always been curious
to stop in, but never made it.

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 11:26 PM, Dan Sikorski <me at dansikorski.com> wrote:

> This Saturday I will be driving from Baltimore, MD to South Bend, IN (with
> likely continuing service within a week or so to Chicago) with an empty
> station wagon.  I'll be on a fairly tight schedule, but if anyone along the
> Baltimore/Pittsburgh/**Cleveland/Chicago path has some gear that could use
> some transportation help along that route, let me know.
> Related:  If anyone has any real good suggestions for quick stops along
> that way, with preference given to good local beer, food, or coffee in the
> Maryland or Pennsylvania portions, I'd love to hear them.
>    -Dan Sikorski
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