[geeks] Is Nekochan.net Not Resolving for Anyone Else?

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Sat Apr 7 18:32:31 CDT 2012

On 4/7/2012 3:29 PM, Mark Benson wrote:
> On 7 Apr 2012, at 19:02, "J. Alexander Jacocks"<jjacocks at mac.com>  wrote:
>> I'd guess that there are other SGI buffs here who are members @
>> nekochan.net, as well, so I figured this was only semi-off topic.
>> Is anyone else having resolution issues for all of the nekochan.net
>> domain?  I get an immediate NXDOMAIN for every DNS server that I know
>> of.  Also, the last known IP address doesn't seem to have a running
>> web server.
>> I'd be really sad if that site diedhoping it's just a DNS dispute, or the
>> like.
> I noticed that too, yeah.

DNS registration is good for another two years according to the whois 

The primary and secondary DNS servers registered are the same IP.

That IP doesn't respond to pings.  It is a static IP on Speakeasy DSL, 
which corresponds since Nekochan already said that he hosts the site 
from his home.

Maybe speakeasy or his house is simply having an outage?  I hope so 
since the forum is a very valuable archive of SGI knowledge.

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