[geeks] Stupid Electronics Help...

Ben Greisler ben at kadimac.com
Sat Dec 29 20:30:07 CST 2012


Ben Greisler | Owner / Technical Lead |  Kadimac Corp
ofc: 215-821-1440 | email: ben at kadimac.com
Certified Member - Apple Consultants Network - ACSA | Xsan | ACT
Apple Professional Services Provider - Education and Enterprise

On Dec 29, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Jonathan Katz wrote:

> Geeks,
> I'm kind of ashamed to admit I need this kind of help. I'm looking for a
> for an automotive application (12V DC) where if you energize the relay, it
> opens the circuit instead of closes it. Is there a specific term for this?
> want to throw a switch and have it disable one thing while something else
> enabled.
> Thanks!
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