[geeks] VIA $49 "Neo-ITX"

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Mon May 28 15:12:34 CDT 2012

B#60 for the server, B#50 colo setup (one-time fee), and B#5/mo colo fees... I
don't think this compares well to a micro instance on Amazon for a year when
you realize that you are on the hook for the actual B#60 server if it fails
(gotta keep a spare if the services are at all important to be 24x7, then it's
B#50 to swap in the replacement server...

b,110 startup cost, B#60/year colo...

First year on Amazon Cloud is free:


Well, 750 hours/month are free (24x31=744 hours in a month)...


On May 28, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Jonathan Groll <lists at groll.co.za> wrote:

> Not sure if I would want a collocated ARM box myself, but I can
> certainly see the attraction:
> http://www.ewanleith.com/blog/956/my-60-arm-server

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