[geeks] Forwarding for a friend: Astronomical/telescope gear FS/FT

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sat Jun 22 19:14:22 CDT 2013

Forwarding for a friend:

   A Celestron C-11 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, with no mount,
   no tripod, and no eyepieces.  Its optics are pretty much perfect save
   for one small water streak which can be (but shouldn't be) cleaned.
   It includes a 2" star diagonal and focusing hardware to accept 2"
   eyepieces, and mounting rail for a Losmandy G-11 German equatorial
   mount.  It also includes its original finder scope and mounting
   hardware.  It also has a carrying case, but it's not a very impressive
   one.  Asking $1200 plus shipping, pickup is fine, located in western
   PA.  Will consider other offers.

   Would trade outright for a functional HP 54120B oscilloscope with a
   54121A or 54123A input module...I doubt anyone has one kicking
   around, but it might make it possible for someone to do a credit 
   card deal, etc.

Contact mcguire at neurotica.com if you're interested.



Bill Bradford
Houston, Texas USA

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