[geeks] Building a local IMAP server on OpenIndiana

Mike F lists at ibrew.net
Tue Nov 19 13:21:07 CST 2013

> On Nov 19, 2013, at 6:29 AM, Mark Benson <md.benson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Due to the fact Mail in OS X Mavericks hates GMail (even after the patch) I
am looking to make my mail storage more open so it's not locked in Mail. I can
then use any IMAP friendly client to access my archived mail. It will also be
stored on RAIDZ redundant storage in a ZFS filesystem to improve it's
> I am looking, therefore, to expand the capability of my HP Microserver to
offer local IMAP storage. I need some advice on how to do it on OI though as
I've only done it in Ubuntu in the past.
> All advice greatly appreciated.
> --
> Mark Benson
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I used to serve mail for my domain on an Ultra 60 running Solaris.

I used Postfix for the MTA and Dovecot for IMAP, plus Squirrelmail for
occasional web mail usage. IIRC, I built all from source, either due to lack
of pre-built packages, outdated packages, or for customizability.

This setup worked very well served off my home connection, but the uphill
battle against spam drove me to move to Google Apps eventually. If the
Mavericks Mail.app is good enough at spam classification, it may not be an

Hope this helps

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