[geeks] Writing software [was Re: Can't decide on an OS]

Phil Stracchino phils at caerllewys.net
Wed Oct 2 10:01:51 CDT 2013

On 10/02/13 02:16, Mouse wrote:
> It's at least a little better here.  For example, our legislation is
> actually readable by moderately intelligent non-lawyers (well, much of
> it is, certainly; I've read substantial fractions of a few bills and
> relevant-at-the-time fragments of a few laws, and it's uniformly been
> readable and clear, in notable contrast to what I've heard, though
> admittedly not checked, about USA law).

I am at this point completely convinced that US laws, and even more so
*amendments* to US laws, are *INTENTIONALLY* obfuscated.  They do not
*WANT* the common people to be able to read and understand the laws they
pass, because if the mass of voters could actually understand what
Congress is doing, they might come to realize exactly how badly and how
deliberately Congress is screwing them.

> I watched over a friend's shoulder a week or so ago while he dug
> something out of Facebook.  I cannot understand how anyone can tolerate
> those ads.  Yet, obviously, most people can.

I, for one, won't browse the web without both NoScript and AdBlock
installed.  The existence of these add-ons, and the sheer number of
people who use them, is evidence in itself that we are not just lone
voices crying out in the wilderness.  And then there's the new "don't
track" attribute...

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  phils at caerllewys.net
  phil at co.ordinate.org
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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