[geeks] LCD made it 5 years...

hike mh1272 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 12:53:39 CST 2014

"they've been monkeying with the power in the neighborhoodb

bTheyb may be liable for the damage.  You might want to contact your
Supplier and talk with them.  To lose only one piece of electrical
equipment doesnbt mean that they are not responsible.  Some devices are
more likely to being damaged than others.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 3:24 AM, <microcode at zoho.com> wrote:

> I bought a couple of Hyundai 22 inchers 5 years ago. One has been in use
> constantly, the other only for bringing up or installing new systems.
> The heavily used one started failing today. The screen went blank and since
> they've been monkeying with the power in the neighborhood at first I
> thought
> it was a power outage but then everything else remained on, so... oops.
> If I turn it off and then on again I can see the console for a few seconds
> then it goes blank. Is this a normal failure mode for the "bad cap"
> ailment?
> Any ideas?
> Unfortunately for me, all my tools are in storage so I have no chance of
> fixing this at the moment. It will have to go back in its box until I get
> my stuff back.
> --
> I was a programmer in the 1970s and I still am.
>         _                             _
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