[geeks] Stuff I've offered previously

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 10:34:43 CDT 2014

I still live outside Trenton, NJ.

The Bladeserver chassis requires 220V power

> On Jul 24, 2014, at 11:15 AM, Rjtoegel <rjtoegel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 10:33, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, it will make for an interesting year!
>> In other news it just actually hit me that this is happening - the move,
> that
>> is - I just went through my DVR and deleted 90% of the shows because I'll
>> never get a chance to watch them before I give my DVR back to Comcast.
>> If you'll excuse me, I need to into my basement and make one last 'scrap'
>> sweep, and box up all the remaining treasures that didn't make it into the
> two
>> 16' PODS. You can really shove an amazing amount of stuff in a POD, of
> course,
>> I have yet to see how my packing strategy works out. My approach was to
>> EVERYTHING in a box, and fill the POD completely, floor to ceiling, side
>> side, and back to front. It made me happy I saved my server boxes all
>> years.
>> Sadly, it appears I will be scrapping an E450, an HP 5Si MX (copier-sized)
>> laser printer, and a small pile of ext. SCSI HDs and other small bits. I'm
>> donating about 8 laser printers to the boys club (they have a location
> where
>> they refurb and give away/sell PCs and printers).
> Does that make me want to jump in the car and head your way!  I know you
> busy so I won't.
>> I'm not sure about the fate of the Dell blade server I picked up from a
> list
>> member, I feel bad scrapping it, but the Boys Club is the only group that
>> would consider taking it, and I need to add HDs and trays to get any
>> working, and once it's working, I have my doubts about them being able to
>> justify the cost of running it for any serious purpose.
>> Lionel
> Oh?  Where's this?  Always on the lookout for cheap geeky stuff. :)
>>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 10:09 AM, Rjtoegel <rjtoegel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I know.  I've seen some who teach as if Microsoft is the only game in
>> and
>>> others who are little more generic since most packages are similar.  My
>> older
>>> son used to think the PC way was all there is until he took a class where
>> he
>>> had to program for iOS.  He's beginning to see there are "other worlds"
> out
>>> there.  The last gentleman who taught computer programming (AP) was a
>>> Microsoft drone.  He unfortunately made everything so convoluted that the
>>> stuff he wrote (like a term record and BWHO sheet, breakdown of failure
>>> according to ethnic group) only worked on half of the school computers.
>>> redid it in Open and it worked on everything (the kids loaded that on all
>> the
>>> machines cause most in my school used Open at home).  Of course the
> amusing
>>> thing was he also taught Vocal Music but didn't know how to use a
>> microphone
>>> on stage.
>>> Anyway, good luck with the job.  Hope it works out well for you.  At
>> you
>>> know the subject :-)
>>> Bob
>>>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 7:16, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> The way I look at it, teaching them MS tools makes sense because it is
> (by
>>>> far) the dominant environment in the world (90%+ of desktop users), and
>> the
>>>> vast majority of free alternatives strive to emulate/recreate MS-like
> user
>>>> environments and applications.
>>>> Besides, I have no say in the matter, only if I want to be at the front
> of
>>> the
>>>> classroom or not while they learn this. ;^)
>>>> If it helps, the web class uses a lot of FOSS tools, including GIMP.
>>>> Lionel
>>>>> On Jul 24, 2014, at 12:10 AM, rjtoegel <rjtoegel at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Gee...A new generation of Microsoft drones are coming? B Just kidding.
>>>>> Bob
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