[geeks] HP CrapRAID problem

hike mh1272 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 07:56:01 CDT 2014

If you have the authority, return the server to the supplier and get one
with a hardware raid.  It sounds like the sales gal sold you the wrong

The HP servers that I used at work had a nice hardware raid and was fairly
easy to set up.  The hardware raid card was accessed during the boot
process.  The only issue was figuring out when to hit the f-key needed to
access the firmware configuration program on the card since we usually only
needed to get into the raid card to setup the raid.  The hardware raid
itself rarely needed attention.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 8:50 AM, David Brownlee <abs at absd.org> wrote:

> On 20 October 2014 09:30, Mark Benson <md.benson at gmail.com> wrote:
> >[...]
> > The onboard RAID is a SmartArray B120i which is apparently a cheap fake
> > software RAID controller. It needs a proprietary driver to work with
> closed
> > binary sources.
> >[...]
> > - Drop $$$ on a real RAID card with decent OSS drivers (suggestions?)
> > - Turn off the CrapRAID and use the pair in a Linux software RAID1
> > - Try and pull in the kermel module during the debian install
> Unless the "Win"RAID offers significant additional performance over
> generic software RAID I would definitely pick the latter, primarily
> just in case the hardware fails and I needed to bring up those disks
> immediately in another box...
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