[geeks] somewhere i'm missing a step...

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Tue Dec 29 19:24:19 CST 2015

i've gotten a wrt160n from a local freecycler and added it to my net,
still running factory s/w, locked down about as tight as i can get it,
and its client can see the internet but it isn't getting dns.  this is
passed from the wrt via dhcp, which should be getting it from my home
net router also via dhcp.

i'm having a problem with the router.

i finally got into it and set it up for ntp and i can get time from
it on my net but i'm trying to get it to broadcast time too,
apparently without success.  i set

interface Ethernet0
 ntp broadcast destination 192.168.XXX.255

because just 'ntp broadcast' seemed to go to
is that even the right place for this command?  it accepts the command
at 'configure terminal' too, but with no more apparent effect.

likewise with dns; i've set valid servers and can query them in the
router, but it's not responding to queries on my net nor including
itself via dhcp.  i've done both

ip dns server
ip domain-lookup


ip domain lookup

as well, which it also accepts, but without effect.  a nslookup

*** Can't find server name for address Non-existent host/domain
*** Default servers are not available

i've worked around this by having all my computers do their own dns
lookups, but the wifi device can't.

what am i missing?
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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