[geeks] Upgraded my Ham license today...

Robert Toegel rjtoegel at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 22:08:44 CST 2015

Well, a 10-20 mtr one is basically an octagonal loop a foot on a side.
Downside, very narrow bandwidth, needs to be remotely tuned, requires a
high voltage variable capacitor.  Upside, small, can work indoors, if
vertical has very deep nulls broadside, very quiet to noise.  Built a 5
foot diameter one a number a years ago.  Put it on 40 mtrs inside the house
and most reports put it about one S-unit below an outdoor dipole.  Better
than nothing.


On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 10:21 PM, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com>

> No offense taken.
> I bought a home in an HOA neighborhood, I too am looking for a 'stealthy'
> antenna solution. My go-to idea is a 43' stick in the back yard, something
> I
> can collapse/extend as needed...
> Curious about this magnetic loop you mention, off to google... ;^)
> Ken
> > On Jan 17, 2015, at 8:35 PM, Rjtoegel <rjtoegel at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Now, just need you hear you on the air.  I just need to get antennas up.
> > Working on magnetic loop antennas now.  Good for small space, can be
> ground
> > mounted and can be reasonable stealthy.
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