[geeks] The "largest" SCA drives...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 10:37:48 CST 2015

I've never seen SCSI drives larger than 300 Gig, but that doesn't mean they
don't exist...

I can't imagine what a 1 TB SCSI drive would cost these days, let alone 6x of

I have a couple Sun multipacks I have delusions of filling with SATA drives.

My mental hack goes something like this:

Remove SCA backplane

Install 6x or 12x SATA drives in Sun spud brackets, install drives in

Cobble together SATA port multipliers, short power adapters and SATA cables,
running a SAS cable between Multipack and port multipler-supporting host

I have not progressed past 'take a Sun Multipack'...

I assume the Multipack has sufficient power and cooling for such a project.
Ten SATA drives on two port multipliers could be a neat way to add a lot of
storage to a server in a small box...


> On Jan 26, 2015, at 9:45 AM, Jonathan Katz <jon at jonworld.com> wrote:
> All,
> I'm curious about figuring out what are the largest SCA drives that
> shipped. The largest capacity I can find are 300GB. Are there any 1TB
> drives out there? It would be awesome to flush out my Sun Multipack with 6x
> 1TB drives.
> --
> -Jon
> +32 0 486 260 686
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