[geeks] Looking for feedback on developing a course syllabus

Ido Dubrawsky idubraws at dubrawsky.org
Sun May 22 15:47:32 CDT 2016

I spent the past Spring semester teaching a graduate class for the University
of Maryland on Secure Operating Systems.  It's not from an IT perspective
completely but more of a Comp Science perspective.  I've been offered the
opportunity to teach it again next spring and - if I want - to revamp the
syllabus over the summer (they're actually going to pay me to do this!).

The current syllabus focused on more esoteric and computer science oriented
topics with some tangential research topics thrown in as well.  I've decided I
want to focus on security related components in modern operating systems and I
plan to use some as models (FreeBSD, Qube OS, etc.).  I'm also looking at
discussing more IT oriented topics such as containers, configurations, etc.
As I build the syllabus I'd like to send it out periodically to the list
members to gather your feedback on the direction I'm going.  I'd like to make
this a really cool course that the students will want to take (this semester
turned out to be a hit because I don't just read slides off the projector but
actually talk with the students and try to get them to think about the topics
- plus I came up with a cool semester project).

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...

Ido Dubrawsky
IT and Network Architecture
P Please consider the impact to the environment and your responsibility before
printing this e-mail.

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